• (801) 455-1743

Forgery Under Utah Code § 76-6- 501

It is unlawful for a person to produce or transfer a false identification document. A person is guilty of this crime, a second degree felony offense, if he or she:

  • knowingly and without lawful authority produces, attempts to produce, or conspires to produce an identification document, authentication feature, or false ID document that is or appears to be issued by the authority of an issuing authority;
  • transfers an ID, authentication feature, or false identification document with the knowledge that the item or feature was unlawfully stolen or produced;
  • produces, transfers, or possesses a document-making device or authentication feature with the intent that the device or feature will be used in the production of false identification documents or another document-making implement or authentication feature; or
  • traffics in false or actual authentication features for use in fraudulent ID documents, document-making implements, or other means of identification.
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